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Get the feeling for data-intensive problems

Before you consider porting an algorithm to the GPU you should check its characteristics. You may have often heard that it should be calculation/computation-intensive. In this post I try to describe what that means and be more specific. On the example of a simple re-encoding algorithm I show that this is not the whole truth. Data intensive algorithms can benefit from the high bandwidth of a GPU's RAM, but only if they fulfil certain conditions: they should support streaming and work in a massively parallel fashion.
data-intensive streaming


Although GPUs have more computational power and a higher bandwidth, only a subset of computations can benefit from these advantages. (I'm talking about dedicated graphic cards with own memory in this post - integrated GPUs are a different topic - I've seen some nice papers on the way discussing these in a DBMS-context.) You often hear that an algorithm will run faster on the GPU if it is computational intensive. This means that the transfer bottleneck is not a problem, because a lot of processing is done on a small amount of data. Brute-force password cracking is a good example: you have one hash key (a few bits), calculate hashes for millions of generated passwords, and compare these to the hash you are looking for [1,2]. However, there are number-crunching algorithms that do not fit to the GPU's programming model. Although the data transfer is not a problem, the CPU can solve the problem faster and more efficiently. On the other hand, there are data-intensive problems that can benefit from the GPU's characteristics (mainly the high bandwidth).
From my experience, there are certain criteria that indicate a performance gain when using the GPU:

  1. the algorithm works in parallel with little or no overhead on the CPU
  2. the algorithm works massively parallel in a SIMD fashion
  3. processing the data on the CPU takes longer than transferring it to the GPU
  4. the data processed by the algorithm fits into the GPU's memory
  5. transfer to the GPU and actual computation can overlap

These five point can be categorized: to adapt your algorithm to the GPU's architecture, the first two points are mandatory (they count for data intensive problems as well as for computational intensive problems). The three other points basically deal with the bandwidth-bottleneck of an external Coprocessor.
I differentiate between the first two points, because on the one hand there are algorithms that are inherently sequential. Often they consist of a tight loop with thousands of iterations where each iteration depends on the previous one. A parallel implementation (even on the CPU) needs an entirely different approach. On the other hand there are algorithms where a parallel implementation on the CPU is already available and looks promising. You can just partition the workload, process it with a number of different threads and merge the intermediate results in the end. If the merge overhead is comparatively small, e.g., it just involves copying the intermediate results to the right positions, the algorithm typically sclaes well with the number of CPU cores (until it is limited by the memory bandwidth). However, this type of algorithm usually does not scale well when more than a hundred partitions are used, because the merge overhead grows with the number of partitions. An alogrithm for the GPU needs to work with thousands of threads and in a SIMD fashion. One of the aspects of SIMD is that branching should be avoided. Every thread should calculate the same instruction for a different memory segment. I don't want to stretch this too much at this point, but remind you that there is a difference between a parallel and a massively parallel algorithm.
Point three is plain and simple but often forgotten. The only chance for an algorithm where data is processed faster than it is transferred, is that GPU and CPU may be able to split the work. But in all cases I can think of, such an algorithm is memory bound; so transferring the data to the GPU will slow down the memory access for the CPU as well.
Point four does not mean that data bigger than the GPUs memory cannot be processed efficiently (although it may be a first sign...). But your algorithm should be able to transfer a partition of the data, process it, and proceed to the next one. If you repeatedly need to transfer the same data back and forth because the free memory is needed in between, there is a good chance that there will be no benefit in using the GPU (or any other external Coprocessor). If, however, the data can be processed while it is transferred (point five, also called streaming), the bandwidth is the only limit. So even if the CPU is just slightly slower than the PCIe bus, there is a chance that the whole process is faster on the GPU.


To show you that even an algorithm that is data-intensive may run faster on the GPU, we take a look at a very simple algorithm that is used in most column stores I know of, e.g., SAP HANA. Every column is dictionary-encoded, i.e., every distinct value of one column is stored in a sorted dictionary and the values in the column are references to the entries in the dictionary. Updates to the column are usually buffered and at some point integrated. This integration process (in HANA this is called Delta Merge) rebuilds the dictionary in a first step and updates the references in a second. We concentrate on the second step. Usually in the first step a mapping from the old reference to the new reference is created. Since references are just integers, the mapping is an array, where the new reference is stored at the position of the old one. Therefore, the algorithm just goes through every vector of references, and replaces each with the value that can be directly accessed in the map:

//src and dest can point to the same address
void recode_cpu(int *dest, const int* src, const int *map, size_t size) {
    for(uint idx=0;idx<size;++idx) {
        dest[idx] = map[src[idx]];


The sequential CPU implementation is the one above. The second approach uses OpenMP to execute the loop in parallel.
Since we want to use streaming, a bit more effort is necessary for GPU execution. The 4-way-concurrency pattern described here is exactely what we need. At first we copy the map to the GPU. After that processing and streaming of the reference vector overlaps. Streaming needs pinned memory, so we allocate three pinned buffers in the CPU's RAM and in the GPU's RAM (size is 128kb - experiment with the size if you want). Now we do four things at once:

I allocated a big third buffer on the CPU to store everything there, otherwise the data has to be copied by the CPU in parallel to the target memory as a fifth step. GPU and PCIe bus provide enough redundant elements to do this all at once without loosing performance.


Our test machine is a Linux workstation equipped with two Xeon E5-2690 hexa core CPUs and a NVidia Tesla K10 with 8 GB of RAM. The GPUs are connected via PCI-Express version 3 with a peak bandwidth of 11.2 GB/s. We measured the run-time for the operation with different data structures executed with one thread on the CPU, 32 threads on the CPU and on the GPU.


Figure for recoding

In the figure above you can see the throughput for a vector with 4 GB of integers depending on the size of the mapping array. An 1 kb array holds 256 different integers, i.e., there are 256 different entries in the column's dictionary. The references are uniformly distributed over the column vector. The blue and the red curve are the ones to compare: blue is the CPU using all its cores, red is the GPU. I also added the sequential CPU implementation CPU (Seq) as a baseline. GPU (t) shows the throughput for only transferring without executing the kernel and GPU (s) is the GPU process without the initial transfer of the mapping array.
Another interesting value would be the pure kernel execution time. But this cannot be measured correctly with the streaming approach. If you are interested in it, you have to copy all data to the card first and then execute the kernel. I expect the throughput for small arrays to be between 50 and 100 GB/s.
Small arrays fit into the CPU's caches. 13 GB/s seems to be the limit for reading the column vector from memory and writing it back. Since every value is touched only once, the cache is useless for the vector (in fact, for a good implementation you should use an instruction to ignore the caches for reading and writing the vector...). The bigger the array gets, the more access to slower caches (L2 and L3) is needed. At 8 MB the array does not fit into the L3 cache anymore, and a third random memory access is needed. At more than 128 MB the cache is useless; because of the uniform distribution every access to the mapping array is a cache miss. In contrast to the sequential reading and writing of the column vector the random access is much slower. The throughput is constant at 1 GB/s, even for bigger arrays.
The GPU's streaming throughput is around 7 GB/s. Until 256 MB it does not matter wether the kernel is executed or not, because the exectuion is faster than the transfer. Between 256 MB and 4 GB the throughput decreases because the transfer of the mapping array in the beginning of the process takes a significant amount of time. The GPU (s) curve shows that the kernel execution is as fast as with a smaller array.
There are three things, I cannot explain:


Data intensive algorithms can benefit from the high bandwidth on the GPU if they are streamable and the caches on the CPU get to small to hold data that is periodically needed. In addition our streaming algorithm can be executed in parallel without overhead. However, this example is certainly artificial. Scenerios, where dictionaries contain more than 20,000,000 entries and these are uniformely distirbuted are not found often. Also, references are usually bit-packed/compressed. Therefore the re-encoding requires more computation and less transfer [4]. It is hard to predict the effect on our comparison, because the CPU algorithm is also memory bound and will therefore benefit from the compression as well.

The source code for the experiment can be found here:
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